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  • martinrsummers

Martin Summers Invited to Chandler Ahrens "Fabricated Drawings" Review

Updated: Jun 7, 2020

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the review utilized a format that has since become a bit more common for reviews, MIRO. The MIRO board allows for a virtual pin-up or brainstorming session among a team and is really fantastic and intuitive for communicating with others. For this review, Chandler requested that the reviewers make comments on the work and engage each other in the dialogue. The work is from an upper level seminar at Washington University, St Louis, Sam Fox School of Design and Visual Arts.

From Chandler's brief: "The seminar focuses on digital fabrication tools, techniques and image theory to uncover new methods of producing physical drawings. Today, images are built in a myriad of methods including physical media or from data. Physical drawings, as defined in the context of this seminar, will transcend a 2D limitation to develop thickness. The increase to 2.5D or 3D opens opportunities to investigate material properties and the use of digital fabrication tools to construct drawings. "

List of reviewers:

Viola Ago, Mark Ericson, Lawrence Blough, Constance Vale, Martin Summers, & Aaron Sprecher

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