A drawing from "Gray Matter" was selected for inclusion in the second exhibition of "REJECTED: Architectural Drawings and Their Stories" at The Ohio State University, Knowlton School of Architecture.
"Banvard Gallery
August 23, 2019 - 12:30pm to October 4, 2019 - 5:00pm
The Banvard Gallery will host the exhibition REJECTED: Architectural Drawings and Their Stories from August 23 through October 4, 2019. The exhibit will open at 12:30 p.m. on 8/23 accompanied by a Loose Talk moderated by Team B.REJECTED aims to bring together a collection of rare architectural drawings in a variety of representation techniques that share a collective fate: the bitter taste of rejection.ABSTRACT In 1863, the Salon des Refusés presented a collection of artwork that was rejected by the jury of the Paris Salon. This landmark exhibition highlighted the need for alternative “unofficial” exhibitions to prevent highly conservative academic bodies from dominating both aesthetics and public taste in art. The show paved the way for newly emerging forms of avant-garde art—namely Impressionism, Post-Impressionism, and Expressionism.One century later in Chicago, a similar attitude about architecture arose. Stanley Tigerman’s counter-show to 100 Years of Architecture in Chicago (an exhibition heavily immersed in Miesian aesthetics) demanded that architecture not to be reduced to a singular idea of expression. Tigerman captured a vision of the city's architectural heritage that was richly post-modern and eclectic.Today, architects encounter rejection on a variety of levels: juries, regulatory agencies, bosses, peers, or even broader collective groups of society might dismiss an idea as inadequate, inappropriate, or not to one's taste.Whatever the story may be, we ask our friends and colleagues to roll up their sleeves and dig deep into their trash bins or retrieve a forgotten file from the depths of their external hard drives in an effort to revisit bad ideas, partial thoughts, and counterintuitive strategies."