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  • martinrsummers

Session accepted for the 2016 AIA KY/AIA IN Convention

Martin Summers proposal was accepted by the 2016 AIA KY/AIA IN Convention Program Subcommittee for the 2016 AIA KY/AIA IN Convention: Craft - Distilling Design. The convention will take place September 15-17, 2016 in Lexington, Kentucky. Mr. Summers will present "Disruptive Continuity - Explorations in Digital Form via Iterative Process," as part of the convention program. The session will take place on TFriday, September 16, 10:15am-11:30am., location TBD.


Disruptive Continuity – Explorations in Digital Form via Iterative Process

In contemporary architectural education, young architects use digital tools to produce digital models that tend toward superficial or visual representations of a built work; however in practice the digital model produces the constructed reality. Academia and practice are both being revolutionized via parametric tools that allow for increased speed and variation. As our tools and ability to produce new and unique solutions increase, it is imperative that young architects learn how to rapidly evaluate and analyze solutions, altering and adapting them within a fluid process of making and discovery.

Critical to this process is an understanding of form. Form is understood within a complex set of interactions where the shape of matter and the ability to control its construction, lead to new spatial possibilities and imbedded intelligence within the form and the digital model that drives it. The individual decisions within the whole are used to maximize the opportunities to solve problems through design while further increasing the coherence of the whole. Problems are understood within a field of relative relations where the architect controls the specifics at both the macro and micro interactions and where they are now primed to seek out new combinations where win-win solutions are manifested.

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