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"Guggenheim Helsinki" Selected for Inclusion in International Exhibition | Seoul, Korea


GUGGENHEIMhelsinki is one of two entries from the United States selected for inclusion in the Korea Institute for Youth Facility and Environment (KIYFE) exhibit in Munjeong Samsung Raemian Gallery in Seoul, Korea. The KIYFE promotes youth related research and healthy environments for youth facilities. The exhibition focuses on opportunites for students and the public to expereince diverse architectural concepts with real world projects and recognize the social role that architects play. The architects design philosophy is also introduced along with the work. The exhibit runs from November 20 through November 25, 2015.

PLUS-SUM Studio - Guggenheim Helsinki | 2015, Korean International Youth Facility Exhibition Book - Seoul, Korea
PLUS-SUM Studio - Guggenheim Helsinki | 2015, Korean International Youth Facility Exhibition Book - Seoul, Korea
PLUS-SUM Studio - Guggenheim Helsinki | 2015, Korean International Youth Facility Exhibition Book - Seoul, Korea
PLUS-SUM Studio - Guggenheim Helsinki | 2015, Korean International Youth Facility Exhibition Book - Seoul, Korea
PLUS-SUM Studio - Guggenheim Helsinki | 2015, Korean International Youth Facility Exhibition Book - Seoul, Korea
PLUS-SUM Studio - Guggenheim Helsinki Presentation Board for the 2015, KIYFE Exhibition - Seoul, Korea
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