Project Team:
Design Director:
Project Designers:
Phase I Research Team:
Local Architect:
Research | Co-Principal Investigator:
Elecrical Engineering Student (PV System):
Phase I EE Research Team:
Campus Stakeholders:
Martin Summers
Thompson Burry & Owen Duross
Thompson Burry, Owen Duross, Hans Koesters & Ari Sogin
Eric Zabilka, Vice President and Partner - Omni Architects
Michael Wilson, UK CAER
Ben Ragusa
Ian Gibson, Stephen Hardy, Robert Hieronymus, Robert Royalty, Donnie Spence & Philip White
University of Kentucky
Matthew Herman
Chicago Office Director - Buro Happold Engineering
Peyman Jahed PE, SECB
Senior Vice President - BFMJ Engineering
Heather Libonati
Founder – Luminesce Design (Lighting)
Greg Romine
Managing Director - Axis Facades

David Biagi
Director – School of Architecture
Lance Broeking
Director – UK Parking and Transportation Services
Melody Flowers
Director of Strategic Analysis – UK Office of the EVPFA and Campus Lead on TMP
Stuart Kearns
Associate Director – UK Parking and Transportation Services
Shane Tedder
Sustainability Coordinator –University of Kentucky
Britney Thompson
Energy Engineer –Physical Plant Division
This is a sponsored research project supported through The University of Kentucky Sustainability Challenge Grants, a joint effort of the Tracy Farmer Institute for Sustainability and the Environment, UK Office of Sustainability and the President’s Sustainability Advisory Council. Funding provided by the Student Sustainability Council, the Office of the Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration, the Office of the Provost and the Office of the Vice President for Research. Awarded two separate grants, 2014 & 2015.